Between the stardust in the multi-colored nebula, She would breathe along the waves of the music that came from the spiraling winds of planets and stars moving in their orbital dance. This is her joy, her passion, watching the birth and transformation of the heavens.
Then it came. The voice. “It is time dear BeLoved.” She knew this voice and She knew what it meant. She had passed by the blue one many times. She would watch the swirling of clouds, flashes of lightning, and the golden sun casting shimmering light rays across its face. She had agreed to this and was ready to go.
“I AM ready.” A vortex of opalescent colors suddenly appeared and She was drawn into its magnetic stream. As She flowed with the current, She began to feel this new joy and happiness filling her. She saw their faces. They were beautiful, radiant. She couldn’t wait to meet them.
Suddenly She found herself outside a window between the leaves of a towering oak tree, gliding along the gentle breeze that made this soft rustling sound. She looked into a bedroom. She saw them, laying close to each other, but was confused by the look on their faces. The woman was in tears, as the man gently held, her wiping her cheeks. “I am so scared”, the woman spoke through her sobs. “How long is this going to last? How are we going to make it? You are only working two days a week. I know we have our savings, but how long will that
The man was concerned too, but continued to comfort his wife. They had been sequestered in their home for the first three months. He had filed for unemployment and was able to have that money continue to come in, even after returning to work. But it was not the same and they had far less money to pay their bills. And what about the hospital bills that were coming? In an instant their lives were drastically changed and he felt totally out of control. He couldn’t get a second job. No one was hiring. People were getting laid off; businesses were closing. There was so much misinformation. Who knew the truth! He refused to let his wife out of the house. He called her three and four times a day while he was at work. Quietly, in his heart, the man allowed himself to feel his own concerns as he thought, “How am I going to provide for them? I don’t know what to do. God, please help us.”
She watched through the open window, and followed the summer breeze into their bedroom. She was unfamiliar with this emotion that she was feeling and began to do what she had always done to feel joy, but this time with all the love of her being. She began to spin around the room, first slowly in a clockwise direction. As She spun, She noticed a light around her. At first, it was just a flicker, but, as she spun faster and faster, the flicker began to intensify. Her light grew and grew filling the room with a magnificent, radiant white light. It permeated
every space and spaces between space.
The man and the woman did not see this light, but something began to happen. Their faces slowly began to relax. She saw a smile on the woman’s face and the man gently kissed his wife’s lips. “I feel it”, the woman whispered. “I feel like everything is going to be okay. I don’t know how, but I feel it will.”
“Yes, I feel it too.” The man looked around the room, as if inspecting the corners and walls, searching for something he knew not. Their concerns and fears began to melt away, and their breath began to flow in ease. Maybe God had heard his prayers, and in a quiet voice, the man whispered, “Thank you.”
With those words, She saw the vortex appear again, and She entered its swirling energies.
The woman sat up in the bed. “Honey, it’s time!”
It was Saturday, July 4th, 2020 at 3:33 in the morning when She came. It had been an arduous task to squeeze into something so tiny. But there was never a moment where She regretted it. The warmth of the woman’s breast and the sweet smell of her breath made it all worthwhile. And there they were, smiling down at her. The love that poured through their eyes was home. Just before the memory of what She saw in the room began to fade, through her own eyes, She
said to this man and woman, “Don’t worry, for my Light will always shine for you.” The woman looked down at her beautiful face. “You are my Light and I love you with all my heart. Welcome Sara, my BeLoved.”
And before Sara’s eyes closed, the voice spoke again to her. “My BeLoved Child, I am always with you. You will be behind the veil and will forget me. Live in this world. Learn to be a beautiful being in form. And someday, I will return to your memory. You will know your true home and you will shine your brilliant light into this world and bring your joy and love to all those who will know you. For you are here to shine your Light and the whole of the universe will see it and be filled with ecstasy. Thank you, my BeLoved Child, thank you.”
Dedicated to all the Beautiful Children born during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Written by DiAna Christine
This is such a beautiful and empowering story that will uplift any child that reads it. The author seems clairvoyant and has a heart filled with love. I hope DiAna continues to write more stories for this library
DiAna, what a gift you have for descriptive writing. In this current time of darkness, it is beautiful to see a story that brings light and hope to the world.
I can feel your heart in your writings. It’s a beautiful piece!
Such a lovely and joyous story. Finding the light in all times is a true and noble journey. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful story, you are able to describe the setting so your reader can see it. It is a heartfelt story.
At the risk of being redundant, beautiful, DiAna. Parents everywhere are smiling at their babies and holding them a little bit closer. Perfect metaphor for light at the end of the tunnel.
I love the wonderful flow of the language The imagery is so beautiful that I’m inspired to paint it, but I don’t think I could do it justice. Great work!
DiAna each image was spun with such Light and Love. Your descriptive skills carry the reader to that place in the heart that births new life, hope and infinite possibilities. Beautifully written! Thank you!
Thank you for all of your responses.