What is Adopt-A-Shelf?
- It is really adopt-a-section. You may adopt more than one section.
- It can take up to 30 minutes depending on the section adopted.
- We ask that you come approximately every 2 weeks at your convenience.
- We are very flexible, you come in whenever we are open.
- Going on Vacation? NO PROBLEM: just let us know.
- Maintain your section by keeping it in numerical and alphabetical order.
For every 25 hours of service the library will dedicate a book in honor for the Adopt-A-Shelf volunteer. It is important to record each visit in the Adopt-A-Shelf file box. Please keep a record of your hours for your own information.
If you are interested in becoming an Adopt-A-Shelf volunteer, please fill out the Application Form and an Adopt-A-Shelf coordinator will contact you. You may also include your area of interest.