The following are resources available to eligible Teaneck residents. Most of these resources are free – some are low-cost. Please refer any questions to the organization itself. Contact information has been provided.
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Urgent Help Lines
Addiction & Substance Use Help
Child, Teen & Family Support
Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Care
Employment Assistance
Food Assistance
Housing Assistance
Immigration Assistance
Legal Assistance
LGBTQ+ Support
Medical Health Services & Screening
Senior Support Services
Utility & Heating Assistance
Veterans Support
Urgent Help Lines
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Call 988 (24/7)
Provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones
Alcoholics Anonymous
908-687-8566 (24/7)
A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety
Bergen County Addiction Support
201-589-2976 (Call or Text 24/7)
Free and confidential resources and support for anyone struggling with addiction as well as family members.
Bergen County Crisis Counselors
201-262-HELP (4357) (24/7)
Provides emergency mental health services to residents of Bergen County
Child Abuse / Neglect Hotline
1-877-NJ ABUSE (652-2873)
If the child is in immediate danger, call 911.
Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused or neglected has a legal responsibility to report it to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency. Calls can be made anonymously.
NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
NJ Hopeline (Crisis): (855) 654-6735 (24/7)
NAMI HelpLine: 800-950-NAMI (6264)
NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives.
National Disaster Distress Helpline
Text 66746: “TalkWithUs” for English or “Hablamos” for Spanish
Call 800-985-5990 (24/7)
Provides immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster
NJ 2-1-1 Partnership
Dial 2-1-1 (24/7)
State or local health and human services resources for everyday and urgent concerns
NJ Addictions Hotline
800-238-2333 (24/7)
Educates, assists, interviews and/or refers individuals and families battling addictions
NJ Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NJCASA)
800-601-7200 (24/7)
Connects individuals affected by sexual violence with professionals that provide assistance and referrals
NJ Domestic Violence Hotline
800-572-SAFE (7233) (24/7 – Bilingual)
Provides confidential access to domestic violence information and services, including crisis intervention, referral, and advocacy.
The Trevor Project
866-488-7386 (24/7)
Provides information & support to LGBTQ young people 24/7.
Veterans Crisis Line
988 then press 1 (24/7)
Or TEXT 838255
If you’re a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, this is a free, confidential resource that connects you to a real person specially trained to support Veterans.
Addiction & Substance Use Help
Al-Anon Family Groups
Helps families and friends of alcoholics recover from the impacts of a loved one’s drinking.
Alcoholics Anonymous
908-687-8566 (24/7)
A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety
Bergen County Addiction Support
201-589-2976 (Call or Text 24/7)
Free and confidential resources and support for anyone struggling with addiction as well as family members.
Council on Compulsive Gambling of NJ
1-800-GAMBLER (1-800-426-2537)
Provides 24 hour information to help compulsive gamblers and referrals to self-help groups and counseling services.
Nar-Anon of New Jersey
For those who are affected by the disease of addiction in a relative or friend
Narcotics Anonymous
A support group for those attempting to recover from drugs
NJ Quitline
A free telephone program dedicated to help New Jersey residents quit using tobacco products.
844-REACHNJ (844-732-2465)
For New Jersey residents who are looking for help with a substance use disorder (SUD).
The Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources
A Program of Children’s Aid and Family Services, provides substance abuse prevention, education, information, and referral services to county residents, businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, municipal alliances and social service agencies.
Child, Teen & Family Support
2nd Floor Youth Helpline
888-222-2228 (24/7)
A confidential and anonymous helpline for NJ’s youth and young adults. We are here to help you find solutions to the problems that you face.
The Arc of Bergen and Passaic County
Provide enhanced opportunities for all citizens of Bergen and Passaic Counties with intellectual and other disabilities and their families through advocacy, community education, direct services, and customized supports
Autism NJ
Provides families and professionals with specific and important information about autism treatment and services available in NJ.
Bergen County Special Child Health Services
Enables families to meet the developmental and health related needs of children from birth to age 21 who have delays or disabilities by providing education and support services
Center for Hope and Safety
503-399-7722 (24/7 Helpline)
Dedicated to assisting victims of domestic violence and their children.
Child Abuse / Neglect Hotline
877-NJ ABUSE (652-2873)
If the child is in immediate danger, call 911.
Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been abused or neglected has a legal responsibility to report it to the Division of Child Protection and Permanency. Calls can be made anonymously.
Children’s System of Care
877-652-7624 (24/7)
Serves youth under age 21 with emotional and mental health care needs, substance use challenges, and/or intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families.
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey JFCSNNJ
201-837-9090 x 216
Provides professional and compassionate human services including professional counseling
Kinship Navigator Program
24 hours a day – 7 days a week
Kinship caregivers are people who have taken on the responsibility for raising their relatives’ children. These children can include the caregiver’s siblings, nieces, nephews, or grandchildren.
New Jersey Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
Help income-eligible parents who are working, in school or in job training to pay for child care.
Parents Anonymous of NJ: Family Helpline
1-800-THE-KIDS (843-5437) (24/7)
Trained volunteers of Parents Anonymous who provide a listening ear, information, referrals and crisis intervention to parents and families in need
Child Evaluation for Teaneck children age 3-21
Safe Haven Infant Protection Hotline
877-839-2339 (24/7)
For distressed parents who wish to give up an unwanted infant anonymously, with no fear of arrest or prosecution. While information will be requested, no names or records are required.
Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Care
Bergen County Division of Mental Health Services (BCDHS)
Assure that Bergen County residents of all ages who need treatment for a mental illness have access to care, regardless of ability to pay.
CarePlus NJ
201-262-HELP (4357)
Provides comprehensive, recovery-focused mental health and substance abuse services in Northern New Jersey with a range of services
Center for Hope and Safety
503-399-7722 (24/7)
Dedicated to assisting victims of domestic violence and their children.
Comprehensive Behavioral Healthcare, Inc.
Provides free services for families including counseling, adolescent, rehabilitation, and residential services.
FDU Center for Psychological Services
201-692-2645, ext.1
Offers neuropsychological, educational, and psychological testing, as well as therapy for all ages. Fees for student providers are on a sliding scale; fees for doctoral level providers are competitive.
Holy Name Community Health Resources
Provides free bereavement support, cancer support, health and wellness activities and education. See calendar in link for schedule and registration.
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey JFCSNNJ
201-837-9090 x 216
Provides professional and compassionate human services including professional counseling
Employment Assistance
Bergen County Job Center (formerly One-Stop Career Center)
Offers a multitude of quality workforce services free-of-charge to all eligible clients. Jobseekers can receive one-on-one job search and career navigation assistance, and much more.
Career Services
More resources for jobseekers including specialized support for veterans, seniors, individuals with disabilities, youth, displaced homemakers, opioid-impacted and justice involved clients.
WorkFirst New Jersey Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (WFNJ/TANF)
New Jersey’s welfare program for families. The state also has a program for single adults and couples without children, known as WorkFirst New Jersey General Assistance (WFNJ/GA).
Food Pantries & Banks
Center for Food Action
Helps families and individuals in northern NJ with emergency food assistance.
Community Food Bank of NJ
CFBNJ can help you find the closest food pantry or soup kitchen at the link above. Enter your ZIP code and select a mile radius for a map with locations of food pantries.
Faith and Hope Food Pantry – Teaneck, NJ
Provides food and grocery on Saturdays, 9am-11am.
The Food Brigade, Inc.
Provides food, in the form of both prepared meals and fresh and packaged foods, to local families and individuals dealing with hunger and food insecurity
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey JFCSNNJ – Teaneck, NJ
201-837-9090 x 261 or [email protected]
The Corner Market / Food Pantry provides groceries and household items for those in need.
NJ SNAP – NJ’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
NJ SNAP, provides food assistance to eligible families with low incomes to help them buy groceries through a benefits card accepted in most food retail stores and some farmers markets.
St. Joseph Church Food Pantry – Bogota, NJ
Provides a food pantry for well over 20 years to help Bogota and Teaneck residents who are suffering from food insecurity as a result of illness, disabilities, or unemployment
WIC – Women, Infants & Children
A public health nutrition program that provides wholesome food, nutrition education and community support for income eligible women who are pregnant and post-partum, infants and children up to five years old.
Housing Assistance
Bergen County Code Blue Warming Centers
When temperatures drop below freezing and conditions pose a threat to unsheltered individuals, a network of agencies throughout New Jersey help people obtain temporary shelter
Bergen County Housing Coalition: Affiliate of Greater Bergen Community Action
Free or low-cost legal guidance on landlord-tenant issues and solutions to problems in the areas of rights/responsibilities under NJ Law, state and local property maintenance codes, and
other applicable statutes.
Center for Food Action: Housing
Provides housing assistance for low income and Section 8 recipients
Fair Housing Council
Fights housing and lending discrimination. Provides rental, mortgage, pre-mortgage, and pre-foreclosure counseling and resources. No financial aid.
Greater Bergen Community Action (GBCA)
Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP). Offers financial support to prevent eviction, to pay deposits and first month’s rent. Also helps with affordable housing, eviction prevention and emergency social services.
Homeownership Preservation Foundation Hotline
888-995-4673 (24/7)
Through its Homeowner’s HOPE™ Hotline, HPF provides free comprehensive financial education and confidential foreclosure prevention counseling
Housing Authority of Bergen County
Runs the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, a rental assistance subsidy program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program reduces rental costs to eligible low-income households.
NJ SMART (New Jersey SHARES Mortgage Assistance, Rent & Taxes) Program
NJ SMART provides assistance to eligible New Jersey residents who have experienced a loss of income and are facing housing emergencies.
NJ State Housing Assistance Program
Financial assistance with paying rent for eligible older adults.
Urban League for Bergen County
Mortgage assistance, housing counseling, referrals, foreclosure counseling, affordable healthcare, employment counseling.
Immigration Assistance
Provides free, safe and simple guidance to become a U.S. Citizen. Includes free legal help with your application.
Helps immigrants in the U.S. understand their legal options. Includes a free online screening tool, legal information, and referrals to nonprofit legal services.
U.S. Citizenship Resource Center
Has a collection of helpful resources, information, and free study materials.
Legal Assistance
Community Health Law Project (CHLP)
Provides legal representation and advocacy services to low-income individuals with disabilities and the frail elderly.
Community Mental Health Law Project (CHLP)
Provides high quality free legal services to Bergen County residents who have been diagnosed with a mental illness and qualify under the federal poverty guidelines.
Legal Services of New Jersey (LSNJ)
Advice, information, and referrals for low-income people in civil legal matters.
Northeast New Jersey Legal Services (NNJLS)
Comprehensive legal representation for low-income, senior and disabled residents who have civil legal problems and cannot afford a private attorney.
Volunteer Lawyers for Justice
Provides free legal services through volunteer attorney assistance, to eligible low-income residents on a wide range of civil legal issues.
LGBTQ+ Support
Bergen County LGBTQ+ Alliance
Works to advocate for equality and to connect the Bergen County LGBTQ+ community with resources.
PFLAG of Bergen County
Dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them.
Trans Lifeline
Connects trans people to the community support and resources we need to survive and thrive.
The Trevor Project
866-488-7386 (24/7)
Provides information & support to LGBTQ young people 24/7.
Medical Health Services & Screening
Bergen County Cancer Education and Early Detection Program (CEED)
Provides comprehensive outreach, education and screening services for breast, cervical,
colorectal and prostate cancers.
Bergen County HIV Counseling and Testing Center
Provides free and confidential HIV testing and counseling.
Catastrophic Illness in Children Relief Fund
Provides eligible families with financial assistance to help them cover medical expenses that
were previously incurred because their child became catastrophically ill or injured.
Get Covered New Jersey
Individuals and families can easily shop for and buy health coverage, and the only place to receive financial help.
Hospital Care Payment Assistance Program (Charity Care)
Provides free or very low cost medical care for lower income patients who receive outpatient or inpatient services at an acute care hospital in NJ
Lighthouse Pregnancy Resource Center
Text: 201-677-2394
Free and confidential services and pregnancy care including testing, education, limited STD screening, material resources and referrals, and counseling
NJ Family Care
Provides free or very low-cost health insurance to lower income working families and their children.
NJ WorkAbility
Offers people with disabilities who are working, and whose income would otherwise make them ineligible for Medicaid, the opportunity to receive full Medicaid coverage.
Senior Support Services
Bergen County’s Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)
Helps older adults, individuals with disabilities over the age of 18 and their caregivers,
access the complex, long-term care, community-based, health and human services.
CHEER & CHORE Services – Bergen Volunteers
CHEER provides a helping hand to seniors and those with disabilities to enable them to live safely and independently in their homes. CHORE helps Bergen County seniors and those with disabilities remain safe in their homes by offering non-emergency repair services.
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey JFCSNNJ
201-837-9090 or [email protected]
JFCS offers the following services to seniors and their families and/or caregivers: Care Management, Kosher Meals on Wheels, Friendly Visitors and Telephone Reassurance.
Meals on Wheels/Senior Lunch Nutrition Program
Assists eligible adults who are unable to shop and prepare their own meals, to remain in the community with independence and dignity.
Ride Connect
Provides Bergen County residents, age 60+ with a one-stop travel information and trip-planning service, provided by a Mobility Manager, to help seniors find available transportation options to senior centers, medical appointments, shopping, etc. Options include County shuttles, local town buses, EZ Ride, NJ Transit, AccessLink (if eligible) and more.
Senior Helpline
Provides information and assistance about various resources and services. This agency
is the primary agency that plans and coordinates services for county residents age 60 and above and their caregivers including Meals on Wheels, State Health Insurance, ADRC
Care Management and more.
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
800-792-8820 / 201-336-7400
Provides training to help explain Medicare benefits to new enrolees and offers one-on-one counseling and assistance to people with Medicare and their families.
Utility & Heating Assistance
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Provides heating and water assistance, help in a crisis situation, and assists with cooling bill expenses if someone has a medical need.
New Jersey Lifeline Assistance Program
1-800-792-9745 x5
Lifeline is a utility assistance program that offers a $225 annual benefit to persons who meet the PAAD eligibility requirements or who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This includes utility customers as well as tenants whose utility bills are included in their rent.
Provides relief to people who are not eligible for other types of assistance to pay their energy and water bills.
PAGE – Payment Assistance for Gas and Electric
PAGE is a state-funded utility assistance program that helps low to moderate-income families in New Jersey pay their utility bills.
Veterans Support Services
Bergen County Veterans Services
Provides resident veterans and their dependents with information and assistance in obtaining earned entitlements from federal, state, and local governments, as well as any that are available from the private sector
Hope for Veterans
855-483-8466 (24-hour)
Provides supportive services for at-risk or homeless veterans and veteran families
866-VETS-NJ4 (1-866-838-7654)
Provides 24/7 support to NJ National Guard members, active military personnel, veterans, their families, and caregivers statewide.
Operation Red Shield (The Salvation Army)
Provides services for U.S. Military members, Veterans, and their families. ORS is a case management program that is committed to filling the gaps in the existing Veteran-related social service programs
Veterans Caretaker Hotline
Provides education, resources, support, and services to promote the health and well-being of family caregivers who care for our Nation’s Veterans.
Veterans Crisis Line
988 then press 1 (24/7)
Or TEXT 838255
If you’re a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, this is a free, confidential resource that connects you to a real person specially trained to support Veterans.
Veterans Guide
Supports veterans in achieving an accurate VA disability rating and obtaining the maximum benefits.
855-838-8255 (24/7)
A confidential peer support network staffed by Veterans with a licensed clinician always available.
Updated 7/2024
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